In today’s modern gaming environment, developers are finding game localization increasingly necessary. The world has grown so connected that a properly localized game can be successfully sold in many different markets around the world. Because of that, the services of video game localization companies are being sought more frequently. Perhaps the most important service that a localization services company can provide is localization QA. The following reasons explain in more detail why this process is so important to video game translation.
Localization QA Helps Prevent Translation Mistakes
When the video game localization and translation services process is complete, it is imperative that a QA team tests the localized content. This process is the only surefire way to catch any gaming translation mistakes that may have been made. There are plenty of examples of bad video game translations that have turned their games into laughingstocks. These mistakes could have been caught if proper QA protocols were used. The QA team will comb through the game and check any translations, whether it is text or audio, for accuracy and clarity. Any problems will then be referred back to the localization team for fixing.
Localization QA Helps Prevent Technical Bugs
Another important function of localization QA is testing for technical bugs. Nothing angers players more than a bug-riddled game. Games that are released with bugs face the ire of a large community that, while not expecting absolute perfection, expect some sort of testing process to be done so that games aren’t released with game-breaking bugs. It is common for gaming localization companies to have to alter the code when localizing a game. It is possible for bugs to arise as a result of the software localization process. Therefore, it is imperative that the QA team tests the game by playing it and making sure that bugs are reported and dealt with.
Localization QA Leads To Happy Players
Gamers understand that developing games can be very difficult. They know that the process is stressful, and that mistakes can happen. Therefore, players can forgive some mistakes, whether in translation or on the technical side. Gamers can tell though when a developer has not properly performed localization QA. If the game is riddled with translation errors, errors in cultural localization, and technical issues, the players will revolt against the developer. The online community can be especially viscous, and a game could fail spectacularly if enough outrage is expressed. Therefore, it is imperative that thorough QA is performed; good QA leads to happy players, which leads to more profits!