Top 10 Languages Studied by Young People Around the World Today
We all share a few similar notions about language training. Say, the importance of English. But what does our linguistic future hold? What languages will we be using? Let’s look at the top 10 languages studied by young people around the world today – along with a little bit of context. Most Spoken Languages…
3 Key Reasons Why English Classes for Construction Workers Are Vital
In any business, clear communication between all team members is essential. This is no different in the construction industry. Clear communication and full understanding of all safety materials, work instructions, and employee communications is key to ensure a safe, and inclusive, work environment and to maximize productivity. Even between two people who are native speakers…
Why are Arabic Corporate Language Classes Key to Business Success?
Given its centrality to the international economy and foreign affairs, Arabic is one of the most dominant languages in the world. Taking this reality into account, it’s important for companies that regularly conduct business in the Middle East to seriously consider providing corporate language classes in Arabic for their employees Providing Arabic Corporate Language Classes…
Company Language Training Solutions for French
France is one of the most powerful economies in the European Union. Therefore, it’s no surprise that companies doing business in France should provide superior company language training solutions for their employees. Though language training can offer great benefits for employees, the need for language lessons often varies depending on the industry. Why French Corporate…
Spain’s Linguistic Diversity and the Need for Global Translation Services
Diversity has always defined Spain. The Iberian Peninsula is home to many different languages and is comprised of 17 autonomous regions, each with their own distinct culture and heritage. Additionally, Spain is a place of great religious diversity. Although Spain is now a predominantly Catholic country, for a period of over 700 years, Muslims,…
La Francophonie: The History of the Famous French Language Training School
French is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world, with 29 countries having it as their official language and focus of language training. These countries form what is known as la Francophonie, a word invented in 1880 by Onésime Reclus to describe the global, French-speaking community. France is also fiercely protective of its…
Workplace English Language Training for Manufacturers
Across the United States, new Americans and permanent residents who speak limited English are working hard at increasingly sophisticated manufacturing facilities. As their communication skills improve – especially their American English pronunciation, vocabulary and fluency, their employer’s bottom line improves. The Benefits of Language Training for Manufacturers There are significant benefits when companies…
Interpretation Services in Early America
Narratives of early American history often focus on the exploits of great heroes such as George Washington and Lewis and Clark. However, few historians have explored the role that interpretation services played in the creation and development of the American continent. Interpreters helped bridge linguistic divides and served as key facilitators of negotiations between different…
The Unbelievable Story of Stalin’s Professional Interpreter
No one could have foreseen Valentin Berezhkov’s rise to prominence as Stalin’s professional interpreter. Born in 1916 to an aristocratic family, Berezhkov began his life on the periphery of the newly-founded Soviet Union in Kiev, Ukraine. Turmoil defined the region during this period. During the early 1930s, Stalin introduced a policy of forced agricultural collectivization,…
Constance Garnett: The Most Influential Professional Translator in History
Strange Origins for a Professional Translator Based on her background, few could tell that Constance Garnett would go on to become the most accomplished professional translator of her time. Born to a coroner and the daughter of a famous mathematician in 1861, Garnett grew up in the seaside resort town of Brighton, England. Despite being…