Who is Qiaodan? Chinese Trademark Protection
What happens when the legal rights to a person’s name are used for products produced and sold abroad? Is the translation of the name trademark protected? In the landmark case of Michael Jordan versus a Chinese sporting goods company, the court ruled in favor of name trademark protection. With the beginning of what seems to be a new era in…
10 Strange (And Slightly Useful) Chindogu Inventions
The Japanese are known for their unusual and innovative everyday inventions. In fact there is a word in Japanese that describes such a thing: Chindogu (珍道具 ) which is comprised of the word Chin (珍 ) meaning “curious” or “strange” and Dougu (道具 ) meaning “tool” or “device.” Why are these inventions strange? Usually, they’re…
China’s Patent Boom, Machine Translation, and Filing
Due to government efforts, China has recently seen a boom in the filing of patent applications. This is important information for both native and foreign innovators looking to protect their ideas in the country and abroad. Luckily, filing has been made slightly easier by the help of Machine Translation in the existing patent search phase…
Brexit and Patents: Will The Split Affect the Unitary Patent or Translation Requirements?
Currently, the UK patent office is looking to implement a unitary patent system which would require all patents to be filed with the EPO, and grants rights across all EU member states. This, along with the voluntary London Agreement, restricts the number of languages into which patents need to be translated. However there are potential…
Tips for Brand Localization
Successfully developing a global strategy for an international brand is greatly dependent both on localization and translation services. After all, in order to distribute a product it must also be advertised and adapted for the local culture. Many brands look to patent their names, logos, colors and other key elements when going abroad – but…
5 Unique Patent Translation Requirements
Do you ever wish the process for filing a patent application was more uniform between countries? The requirements can be quite confusing and inconsistent across jurisdictions. This is why we’ve compiled five of the world’s more unique translation-related filing requirements. These requirements are unquestionably unusual, if not challenging. If you happen to be looking into filing…
New Belgian Patent Translation Requirements Waive Language Conditions
The European Union’s unitary patent system allows applicants to submit their patents in one of three official EU languages, French, English or German. However, recently changes were made to Belgian patent translation requirements regarding the submission of patent applications.
CE Mark Translation: The Key to Medical Device Success in Europe
With a total annual healthcare spending of $1.94 trillion, access to the EU healthcare market is crucial to success in the medical device industry. But in order to enter this critical market, companies need to obtain a CE Mark certifying that their medical device has passed EU requirements. Moreover, all documentation must be translated into the…
Translation in Online Dispute Resolution
Sometimes settling a dispute outside of court is preferable, especially when neither party wants to wait for a long court ruling or carry the cost of a lengthy trial. Logistically, meeting in court may be inconvenient especially for international cases. One technological solution was created which allows disputes to be settled online. While a more economic and…
Global Implications of the CRISPR Patent Dispute
CRISPR may be one of the greatest life science inventions of the modern century. This new gene-editing system allows scientists to make precise changes in DNA, and with that coveted technology comes a bit of competition for the rights to claim it – specifically between MIT/Harvard and UC Berkeley. Recently the judges at the US Patent and…